The Boot Kidz — 2011
Retail Design and Technology Magazine
2011 Design magazine retail retail news Visual merchandising
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Bootkidz appeared on page 26 of the July 2011 edition of RD&T magazine entitled "Smash and Grab". Retail Design and Technology magazine have a very impressive in-print/online magazine that has a "real magazine look and feel" with turning pages that you read directly on your computer screen.
Victoria House Bloomsbury Square
2011 Bloomsbury Square Clothing Debenhams Exhibition Fashion Show London Mannequins Victoria House
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter On the 1st June 2011, Bootkidz Ltd displayed "The Boot Kidz" in a fashion exhibition held at Victoria House, Bloomsbury Square, London. The show was a display for Debenhams's children's clothing collection. The show featured Debenham's Autumn/Winter kids clothing selection. Here are a few photos and videos from the exhibition.