The Boot Kidz — magazine
Retail Design and Technology Magazine
2011 Design magazine retail retail news Visual merchandising
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Bootkidz appeared on page 26 of the July 2011 edition of RD&T magazine entitled "Smash and Grab". Retail Design and Technology magazine have a very impressive in-print/online magazine that has a "real magazine look and feel" with turning pages that you read directly on your computer screen.
BHMADECO Greek Design Magazine
2009 Article Design Greece Greek Greek Design Magazine Story
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter BHMADECO BHMADECO is an interior design and decoration magazine based in Greece. The Boot Kidz featured in an article published in BHMADECO in November 2009. Joe and Chloe feature in the photograph. You can see the scan of the page from BHMADECO below. Article Text (Greek) Title: Κολλάτε μαζί τους Joe & Chloe Καλόγεροι με φαντασία Ας συστηθούμε. Ο Joe και η σκερτσόζα Chloe είναι δημιουργήματα της αγγλίδας ντιζάινερ Karen Henry, διαθέτουν μεταλλικό σώμα και στέκονται σε μια σταθερή βάση από MDF. Οι πρωτότυποι αυτοί καλόγεροι, μάλιστα, έχουν φιγουράρει στη βιτρίνα της Gap,...
Space Magazine, China
2007 China Coat stands crazy hangers Design International Magazine
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Crazy Hangers Article, Space Magazine, China Bootkidz featured in the Chinese interior design magazine called "Space", issue 82, in the article entitled "Crazy Hangers" on the 10th April 2007.
Scotland on Sunday
2007 Article Bootkidz Coat stands magazine Scotland on Sunday Sunday
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Bootkidz feature in Scotland on Sunday The Boot Kidz featured in Scotland on Sunday "at Home" magazine section on January 21, 2007. The article was compiled by Claire Hay and appeared on page 21. The title of the article was "Cash Flow" and featured 6 different coat stands. List of coat stands featured Black Tree, £430. Dansk Online (028 9261 3861, Football, £7, Woolworths (0870 411 7112, Avenue cross, £99, John Lewis (0131-556 9121, Lucy, £650, Designed by Karen Henry, Bootkidz, ( Hat and coat stand in...
Icon Magazine
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Icon Eye magazine Issue 40 The Boot Kidz appeared in in Icon Eye magazine Issue 40, on October 2006. In October 2006, "The Boot Kidz" featured in the popular UK design magazine "Icon". Icon Magazine is a monthly magazine started in 2005 by Louise Redknapp. Past issues are available from the website. Article Text This children's coat stand, called BootKidz, is currently available in three cartoon/animation inspired characters. The coat stands will be exhibited on a window display at GAP Kids on 208 Regent Street during London's design...