The Boot Kidz — Recipe
Christmas tree cookies by Julie-Ann Henry
Article Cookies Cooking Julie-Ann Henry Recipe
Karen HenryHi and welcome to Bootkidz, a small design company based in London. This page has some great ideas for do-it-yourself Christmas gifts and decorations. Christmas tree cookies Ingredients 250g unsalted butter (softened) ½ cup castor sugar ½ tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg 3 cups cake flour, sifted Christmas tree cookies with Troy the dog eating cookies hanging from the Christmas tree Method Preheat the oven to 160C. Cream the butter, castor sugar, salt and vanilla extract. Add the egg and beat in thoroughly. Slowly add the flour and mix in as much as you can with...
Christmas Cake Recipe by Julie-Ann Henry
Article Cake Christmas Fun Julie-Ann Henry Recipe
Karen HenryTraditional Christmas Cake You are never too young or too old to learn. Every year I make a bunch of resolutions for the Xmas period including making a traditional cake. Only this year has that resolution come to fruition (cheesy grin) and it was such a hit with friends and family that I decided to share this "easy to prepare" recipe with others in the hopes that they too could go out and impress the elf socks off everyone, enjoy and remember...dont forget to have fun. Christmas Cake Recipe What you need Ingredients 250g fruit cake mix 50g mixed citrus...