The Boot Kidz — Article
Fun activity: Make Joe Bootkidz in Lego
Activities Article Fun Joe Lego Lego Instructions
Karen HenryLego Instructions Hi and welcome to Bootkidz, a small design company based in London. This page has Lego instructions for building a miniature Joe Bootkidz mannequin/coat stand wearing Wellington Boots. Maybe you're a budding visual merchandiser and want a cute mannequin for your office desk - then here is an idea. Remember to share if you like. About Joe Bootkidz Joe is a mannequin designed by Karen Henry. How long will it take? Number of bricks: 124 Assembly time: 30 - 60 minutes 5 steps How much does it cost? It's about £5.00 from Lego shop (you order online from Lego) What you need...
What is Merchandising?
Article Example Ideas Merchandising Sales Selling Strategy Techniques Tips
Karen HenryWhat is merchandising? Merchandising is finding or creating supporting or related products to sell alongside your main product range. Merchandising helps sustain commercial activity related to the main product or products of mainly retail businesses. Cash flow is important for all businesses. Without merchandising, most businesses would quickly run out of capital. Who uses merchandising? Retailers most commonly use merchandise to support their brand. Their brand is the main product and merchandise is all the products that support the brand. Most successful businesses use merchandising - even if they know don't know they do! Merchandising can be "service based" or...
Manikins in stop-motion animation
2009 Animation Article History Manikins Stop-motion
Karen HenryStop Motion Animation Stop motion animation uses time-lapse photography techniques. Time-lapse photography predated the first cartoon animations. The first stop-motion films were "Un Bon Bock" (Emile Reynaud, France, 1884), "Matches an Appeal" (England, 1899), and "The Enchanted Drawing" (USA, 1900, 1 min 26 seconds at 18 fps) filmed by Thomas Edison. History of Stop Motion Animation Willis O'Brien was one of the pioneers of stop-motion animation, using a small model and the superposition of people on film technique to create King Kong (1933). O'Brien studied the movements of gorillas in zoos and other large animals to develop his characterization of Kong....
Scotland on Sunday
2007 Article Bootkidz Coat stands magazine Scotland on Sunday Sunday
Karen HenryAuthor: Karen Henry, Chief Designer, Bootkidz Ltd London, UK Email: Google+ Facebook Twitter Bootkidz feature in Scotland on Sunday The Boot Kidz featured in Scotland on Sunday "at Home" magazine section on January 21, 2007. The article was compiled by Claire Hay and appeared on page 21. The title of the article was "Cash Flow" and featured 6 different coat stands. List of coat stands featured Black Tree, £430. Dansk Online (028 9261 3861, Football, £7, Woolworths (0870 411 7112, Avenue cross, £99, John Lewis (0131-556 9121, Lucy, £650, Designed by Karen Henry, Bootkidz, ( Hat and coat stand in...