Wellington Boot translated in different languages

Karen Henry Global Language Translate Wellies Wellington Boots World

What are wellies called in different countries, cultures, and languages? We've translated "Wellies" and "Wellington Boots" using Google translate and researched the word in a number of online dictionaries. Here are the results:

Wellington Boot Translations

Use this table to find out what "Wellington Boots" are called around the world.

Language Country Translation Reference Links
English England (UK)  Wellies, Wellingtons, Wellington Boots, Gumboots Wellington Boot - Answers.com
Portuguese, English Brazil (UK) Galochas, Botas Borracha (Rubber boots), Botas Chuva (Rain boots) Botas Borracha - Botas Vulcabras.com
Polish Poland  Buty Gumowe, buty deszcz, Gumowe Kaloszy
Dutch Netherlands, Holland Kaplaarzen
Irish Ireland Waterboots, Topboots, Wellies
Australian Australia Gumboots, Gummies, Blucher Boot
Canadian (English, French) Canada Rubber boots, Gumboots, Galoshes
American English USA  Rainboots, Overboots, Rubber boots, Galoshes, Slush Boots, Wellies
English New Zealand Gumboots, Gummies
English South Africa Gumboots
Welsh, Cymraeg Wales Esgidiau glaw
Russian Russia Веллингтон сапоги (Wellington boots), резиновые сапоги (gumboots), резиновые ботинки (rubber boots) Rubber Boots.ru
Ukrainian Ukraine Веллінгтон чоботи
Turkish Turkey lastik çizmeler (rubber boots), yağmur botları (rain boots), lastik çizme (Wellingtons)
Swedish Sweden gummistövlar
Swahili Swaziland Wellington buti
Spanish Spain botas de goma
Norwegian, Danish Norway, Denmark gummistØvler GummistØvler- eshoes.dk
Italian Italy Stivali da Pioggia (rain boots), galosce, stivali di gomma (rubber boots), soprascarpe (overshoes) Rubber boots at Amazon.it
Hebrew Israel וולינגטון המגפיים
Greek Greece μπότες wellington
Japanese Japan  雨靴 (Rain shoes), ウェリントンブーツ (Wellington Boots), ゴム長靴 (Rubber boots)
Arabic Saudi Arabia ويلنجتون أحذية
Spanish Mexico botas para lluvia (rain boots), botas goma (gum boots), botas agua (water boots), botas caucho (gum boots), chanclos (overshoes)
French France bottes en caoutchouc (china rubber boots), bottes pluie (rain boots), galoches, bottes Wellington Bottes en caoutchouc at Sarenza.com
Chinese China 惠灵顿靴子 (Wellington Boots), 胶靴 (Rubber boots), 套鞋 (Overshoes),
German Germany  Gummistiefel (rubber boots), Regenstiefel (rain boots), Galoschen, Ueberschuhe (overshoe)
Korean Korea 장화 웰링턴 부츠 (Wellington Boots) Wellington boots on Alibaba from Korea


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